Office 2019 Home & Student

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The Microsoft Office 2019 Home & Student office software package includes:

Outlook and Publisher for the same price? -> Office 2019 Standard

Suitable for:

Original Microsoft activation key
Permanent and immediately usable full version
With download and detailed instructions

Why Microsoft Office 2019 Home & Student

The most valuable components for anyone who works from home, home users and students: Office 2019 in the Home & Student edition combines all of these .

It is a programme for exactly one device, which includes Word, Excel and PowerPoint. OneNote is not part of the package, but is available for download via the Windows Store in Windows 10. You can store data either offline directly on the computer or online in the cloud by using OneDrive or similar providers. “Get more done at home or at school”: This is Microsoft’s motto, which can also be adhered to with this edition of Office 2019.

Functionality in Word and PowerPoint

Professional-looking documents can now be designed more effectively in Word 2019: Editing, checking the content of the printout at the printer happen in one step. In addition, the search function known from the predecessor is included so that beginners can quickly access all important functions in Word 2019. Also completely new in the Office 2019 Home & Student version is the integration of SVG graphics, which are easier to scale and move than, for example, JPG or PNG graphics. All those who write with a pen on a touchscreen will also be pleased with improved font recognition. This is particularly helpful when taking notes. PowerPoint 2019, on the other hand, is made for presentations: the well-known tool allows the design of slides and complete presentations at a professional level. Ideas and information can be presented in a more visually and acoustically appealing way. New in PowerPoint in Office 2019 and all versions is the use of recordings in Ultra HD resolution, so that 4K videos can now be integrated smoothly into the slides. Improved support for zooming and scaling existing photos or other graphics also eliminate the need to purchase additional image editing software. From simple slides to multi-page slides, PowerPoint 2019 is the tool for the job.

Note-taking and calculation made easy

With Excel 2019, on the other hand, buyers of this licence have the familiar application for managing spreadsheets at their disposal. Data of any kind can be entered easily and intuitively and visually prepared. Shortcut keys allow quick access to the most important functions for users who work with Excel on a daily basis. Improvements in the new version include the mathematical functions, which are now included in the package in greater numbers. In addition, the application provides new methods to present data in a visually appealing way, thus providing a tool for visualisation. As a result, all users save time and still enjoy the familiar workflow with Excel.
OneNote is no longer a fixed part of the package in Office 2019 Home & Student. Instead, interested parties can download the programme from the Windows Store. Furthermore, Microsoft has removed compatibility with all older versions of Windows. It is mandatory to have Windows 10 installed on the device to take advantage of Office 2019 and all included apps. However, it is a perpetual licence that will be provided with updates by Microsoft for at least five years. Unlike Office 365, there are no subscription fees. Backing up data to OneDrive may generate costs.

Minimum requirements:

  • Operating system: Windows 10
  • Working memory: at least 2 GB RAM
  • Hard disk: at least 3 GB available storage space
  • Screen: at least 1,024 * 768 pixel resolution
  • Graphics card: DirectX 10 support required for GPU-accelerated interface
  • Browser: current versions of Internet Explorer, Chrome, Firefox, Microsoft Edge or Safari
  • .NET version: at least .NET version 3.5

Need help with the installation?

Here you can go directly to the installation guide for Microsoft Office 2019 Home & Student!

Installation & activation

Mit unserer Schritt-für-Schritt Anleitung gelingt die Installation deiner neuen Software schnell und reibungslos.

Wenn du noch keinen Lizenzschlüssel besitzt, kannst du diesen hier kaufen: zum Produkt.

ACHTUNG: Wenn du auf deinem Computer Office 365 vorinstalliert hast, logge dich dort aus und deinstalliere das Office 365 komplett. Sonst erhältst du die Aufforderung, das Programm nach Ablauf der Testversion zu abonnieren – du hast jedoch mit Office 2019 Home & Student eine unlimitiert gültige Lizenz erworben (ohne Ablaufdatum)!

Die Installation von Office 2019 Home & Student ist relativ unkompliziert: Du gehst auf die Seite , folgst den Anweisungen und gibst den mitgelieferten Key ein, wenn du dazu aufgefordert wirst.

1. Klicke auf den zugesendeten Link im Bestätigungsmail oder gehe in unser Downloadcenter, wähle dein Produkt aus und klicke auf «Herunterladen»

2. Logge dich bei deinem Microsoft Konto ein.

3. Tippe deinen Produktkey ein.

Wichtig: Falls du nicht weitergeleitet wirst und du aber bereits auf «Next» geklickt hast, öffne dein Microsoft Profil. Logge dich ein und gehe auf «Dienste und Abonnemente». Dort sollte dein Produkt vorhanden sein und du kannst mit Schritt 6 weitermachen.

4. Klicke auf «Confirm».

5. Klicke auf «Go to Office Home & Student».

6. Klicke «Installieren» um zum nächsten Fenster zu gelangen.

7. Hier klickst du erneut auf den Button «Installieren», danach sollte der Download durchgeführt werden.

8. Klicke auf das Downloadfile.

9. Der Installationsmanager führt dich durch die Installation. Klicke auf «Fortfahren» für den nächsten Schritt

10. Nach dem Abschluss der Installation kannst du unten Links im Suchfeld nach «Word» suchen und es öffnen.

Fertig! Du kannst nun mit der Nutzung von Office 2019 Home & Student beginnen. Wir wünschen dir viel Spass mit dem neuen Produkt. Vielen Dank für dein Vertrauen in keyportal. Bei Fragen oder Unklarheiten stehen wir dir gerne zur Verfügung!

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